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Ally Yourself..png

Welcome! We are grateful for your interest in this study. Let's get started! There are three parts to this User Experience Pilot study. You can participate in the development of this cultural commons by doing some or all of this study. This pilot study will take place from now till the end of August, 2019. Below are the details of each part and a form to let us know what you are willing to contribute. 

1. Create an account & your Settler Profile

For this study we have created a members only section on this website to simulate the experience of the final design of the commons as we think that keeping a DIARY/Blog digitally will be more efficient and fun for participants. The first part of this study, once you are on boarded, is to sign up for an account and create your profile. Since we want to build Settler community to start or what we call The Settler Row, we would like you to share your story as a Settler in Canada in your profile. 


For this study -- your profile will only be seen by the other Settlers (4 - 6) who have signed up for this pilot study, but eventually, in the final design, a Settler profile would be seen by both Settler & First Peoples. For this study, ask yourself, in the context of being a Treaty Person, what would I want to share with other Settlers & First People on a commons designed for Treaty People? Will I share who I am, what I do, what I bring to the table that can help to balance our Collective Karmic Debt? Think about it and based on your experiences share what, as a Settler, you could contribute to this culture commons... this could include skills, knowledge, or any other sort of resources..


For now all this information will go into a single text field on your profile. You can add images or video if you wish. Your contribution will help us determine how the profile should be designed in the final version --- based on what sort of information Settlers choose to share. To the best of our knowledge no one has created a commons like this and so we are not sure what information is relevant to the users. Unlike a Twitter or FB profile which are very limited we know that a shared HISTORY is what binds us as Treaty People so that aspect is very important. Your family history on this land could be long and your experience broad. 


2. Daily Diary/Blog: How you Seek & Find information on First Peoples

For this part of the UX study the method of gathering research in a diary format is being utilized. Instead of keeping a paper diary however, we would like you to blog in the Settlers members section where you set up your profile, as this will simulate the experience of the type of SPACE we want to create in the final design. We are asking you to do two things for this part of the study: 


1. Keep a daily dairy/blog of the ways and type of information that you seek and find about First Nations and/or Settlers on a daily basis. Please start each blog with where you found the info you are writing on. Plz note the place/space in which you found this information. Was it online and if so WHERE? was it offline and if so WHERE?  For example: Did you find it on Twitter, FB or another website? Did you read it in a newspaper or hear about it on TV or in a conversation with someone at work, school or home? The information you blog on can be about either Settler or First Peoples LAWs, Customs or Ways ---anything that is relevant to these 3 categories -- that you feel you would want to share with others on a cultural commons dedicated to these topics. You can reflect on what you have learnt from the info or add your own observations about real time events that are relevant or simply share a link and make a brief comment or two. The level of engagement is up to you. 


2. Use a hashtag # in front of certain words or terms in your blog that you would like to add to our index of search terms for this commons. The idea is to create a shared index for others to search on certain topics, ideas or concepts. 


Note: ideally you will blog every day for 30 days even if it is to only reference one link and add few hashtag words from that link or in a line of text that reflects on the info that you found or anything else you want to share. To do this part of the study you need to have a Profile set up first. We will start this blog as soon as you get your Profile Set up and would like you to continue till you have done 30 POSTS. Longer if you wish.. We will assist you in getting all this set up -- as that is also part of the UX research we are conducting over this year.  There will be technical glitches so please be patient. 

3. One to One Interview

The final part of this Pilot Study will be a one to one interview. This will take place towards in September 2019 and will be about an hour in length. Based on information gathered from the first two parts of this study we will formulate some questions. If you are in Alberta we will try to set up a face to face interview. If you are outside Alberta we will do a video call. 

Settler UX Pilot Study Elements
Select the UX Study elements that you will particpate in

Thanks for submitting!

© 2019 Enriched by Code

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