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Writer's pictureSheelagh Semper

Boosting voices

Veracini (2011) argues that in order to disrupt settler colonialism, settlers must work towards developing and strengthening #relationships with Indigenous peoples (Morcom & Freeland, 2018). As a member of the dominant society we may have access to and influence upon the systems used to marginalize and disempower Indigenous people. #Voice amplification can occur through activities such as retweeting Indigenous posts and participating in the #settlercollector movement on Twitter, seeking out and referencing Indigenous authors in academic papers or online posts, and providing support through physical presence at Indigenous protests and hosted public events.

Settler, immigrant, and arrivant #academics can help amplify Indigenous research by actively seeking out and citing Indigenous authors working in their fields (Battiste, 2002). This amplification is more appropriate than the post-colonial movement towards adopting Indigenous Research methods without exposure to or acceptance of Indigenous ontologies and #epistemologies (Moon, 2017).

Academics, check thyself.

Academics may also want to consider and reflect upon the relationship between Indigenous Research methods, oral histories, and accepted Qualitative methodologies such as autoethnography and narrative analysis. We need to start considering:

  • What are we taking from others and claiming as our own?

  • How does the work we do serve the population?

More importantly, we need to reflect upon the question who does the work we do towards decolonization (our own, or of systems) serve?


Battiste, M. (2002). Indigenous knowledge and pedagogy in First Nations education: A literature review with recommendations. Paper prepared for the National Working Group on Education and the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC). Ottawa, ON: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Retrieved from

Moon, M. (2017). Story as a means of engaging public educators and Indigenous students. in education 23(2), 25-42. Retrieved from

Morcom, L. & Freeman, K. (2018). Niinwi – Kiinwa – Kiinwi: Building non-Indigenous allies in education through Indigenous pedagogy. Canadian Journal of Education, 41(3), 808-833.

Veracini, L. (2011). Introducing. Settler Colonial Studies, 1(1), 1-12, DOI: 10.1080/2201473X.2011.10648799

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Su-san Koch
Su-san Koch
May 29, 2019

So true! Are you planning to attend the walk for common ground that starts on May 31st? I connected w Dr Mokokis and will walk w her on the 13th as they approach Calgary! There is also a talk every evening if you can’t make a walk in the daytime.

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