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“Finite players play within boundaries; infinite players play with boundaries.”
― James Carse

Message to First Peoples



ear First Peoples, also known as the Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island. This Commons is an emerging space for Settlers and First Peoples to make sense of Right Relations in accordance with the original Treaties. Here, we use play and possibility to explore the concept of the Infinite Game. This concept, when closely examined, defines Indigenous Cultures in general and specifically the framework of the Two Row Wampum Treaty.

"Infinite games can be played by known and unknown players, there are no exact rules and the length of play is infinite. There is no winning in infinite games. The objective is to continue playing the game. Examples of infinite games include treaties, business, politics and life itself"

In 2018, when this project began we out to Artists, Land Defenders, Grassroots and Academics from various First Peoples Cultures in an effort to find out how we, as Settlers, can engage in dialogue and/ or sharing circles in order to learn how to create right relations with our Treaty Partners. We want to fulfill our duties and obligations as treaty people because our governments failed to do so. They have failed to teach us about the ways, customs and laws of First Peoples and instead created a narrative of separation. A narrative of Apartheid. 

First Peoples who are online in social spaces such as Twitter and Facebook and who do podcasts have told us again and again that they are NOT interested in educating "settlers" on the Laws, Ways and Customs of their cultures. We are fine with this, as there is a lot of information shared on Social media platforms that can be accessed, reviewed, considered and archived. We have begun to do this and will continue to self educate thru. Moving forward however, we are exploring various prototypes for the final commons and as well as a sustainable business model. For a glimpse of what we have been up to over the past five years check out our Treaty Dictionary

How can you help? We would appreciate your input on the design and governance of this commons. Also, there must be ways that we can include you in our Liminal Treaty Talks. Perhaps you would like to host a video sharing circle on a topic that is of interest to you:  this could be anything from Resilience to Covid19. 

Why would you want to be a part of this commons? While we know that First Peoples have not been given the Respect, Friendship and Peace that your Chiefs asked for during the original Treaty Talks we also know that as Settlers and Immigrants to these lands, thanks to new  technology like the internet and social media, we are now much more aware of the Genocide that the Government, Church and State of so called Canada has and continues to perpetuate against you and your people and as a result we are seeking a new ways to reconcile our Collective Karmic Debt.

In a post COVID world we all need to come together to try and work things out and support one another. We know that our existing governments, for the most part, seek only profit over people and their leaders play the FINITE, winner take all game. In the months and years ahead feel that we should begin to re imagine Treaty Relations even on a small scale so that we may begin to live in right relationships with one another. In order to find out how we can assist you we need your input. 


To overcome the Apartheid System that separates us we must begin to share in private, secure circles on what it means to be in right relationship with First Peoples. We need to explore ways of being, of knowing and of acting. We ask that you might will consider joining us in this process, in this connected age using technology. This is an age in which many speak of how coming together, regardless of race or creed is the only way we will survive the changes that COVID and Climate Change will bring to us all. Unity and understanding is essential to the survival of human beings and all other forms of life on this planet. You taught us that when we arrived here as Settlers. We need to settle our karmic debt for the good of future generations. If you agree, then please considering joining us. 

© 2019 Enriched by Code

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