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Who is 2RowFlow for? 

The 2RowFlow Commons is dedicated to the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls of this land.  


On completion, the 2RowFlow Commons will be a safe, private, virtual space for all women & men who live with the reality of this suffering in Canada, First Peoples & Settlers alike, while our government drags their feet on exposing why this has gone on for so long and who is to blame.


This commons will be a space where you can share and care.

This commons will be a space in which to LISTEN, GROW, SHINE & FLOW. 

We invite all Treaty People --- Settlers, Immigrants & First Peoples to become a part of building this commons. We are finishing up the conceptual phase and have gone thru the discovery phase. This year we intend to do user research and start the design phase. This site will act as a placeholder for the vision we wish to manifest over the next two years. 

You can become involved to following The Collective Karmic Debt Project on Twitter or by going to the CONTACT section of this site and sending us an email with questions, concerns or suggestions. We welcome your input. 

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